
Retin A Cream

5 Ways to Boost Skincare Routine

The first step in developing a successful  Skincare Routine, is to determine your skin type. Then you’ll understand how to care for your skin. There are mainly three types of skin: dry skin, oily skin and combination skin.

How to Identify Skin Type ?

Dry Skin – If your face feels dehydrated and the lack of oil present in skin, dry skin is indicated by flaky, crusty, or chapped skin.

Oily Skin –  if your face feels Greasy skin is shiny, oily, and frequently has big pores it is oily skin.

Combination Skin – it can be determined as it is dry in certain areas like the cheeks or the nose but oily in the forehead, nose, and chin. Skin can be sensitive or normal. You can determine sensitive skin by testing how your skin reacts to products and make up. It may burn, blister, or sting after applying cosmetics or other products on sensitive skin. Normal skin is well-balanced, clean, and allergy-free. Choosing skin care products that are suitable for your skin type is very necessary.

5 Basic Steps to Boost Skincare Routine


CTM is cleansing , toning and moisturizing. These are the most easy and effective way to enhance your skin  especially if you’re a beginner in skin care as it is less time consuming. A gentle cleanser is always effective as it does not strip down your skin’s natural essential oils as sebum is also very important .Toner is also necessary as it maintains the natural pH level of the skin. Choose toner according to your skin type and skin sensitivity. Apply moisturizer after cleansing and toning as it retains the hydration of the skin.

Use Retinols & Retinoids

A youthful skin is on everybody’s main checklist. A regular use of retinol or retinoids in your skincare routine is a must as it is the secret potion to youthful skin. Retinol or Retinoids are vitamin A which help repair and replenish skin and make it look younger. Retinol or Retinoids reduces fine lines and wrinkles, acne tightens the skin, repairs the damaged skin and prevents acne. Some very effective product that have retinoids are Retin A cream, Retin A micro gel, Retino AC and more

Importance of Sunscreen

The most underrated skin care product is sunscreen, and most people ignore the benefits of sunscreen application. The most damage that can happen to your skin is done by the sun. Its harmful UV rays age the skin 3 times faster resulting in premature wrinkles, acne, sunburn discoloration and more . Using sunscreen is very important as it protects the skin from sun damage. Find the sunscreen for your skin type and apply it before heading out or even inside the house. Choose spf according to your specific need but spf 50 + is best for maximum skin protection. 

Treat Acne

Having acne pro skin is very difficult mentally as well as physically. Having acne free skin can boost your self confidence and acne could be very painful and irritating. Below we have included some products to heal your acne or treat active acne like Erytop cream, Supatret gel 0.04, A Ret gel, Clindac A gel, Retin A cream, Retin A micro gel, Retino AC gel and Tazret forte cream


The best way to have good skin is to hydrate your body. Drinking at least eight glasses of water is  very important as water cleanses your body and flushes out toxins. Drinking water can   help you clear your skin and give you a glowing skin. A dehydrated face always looks dull and has acne problems. Try drinking a glass of water right after you get out of your bed before and after your meals. Having a balanced diet is also important to avoid eating junk and try to include fatty fish , avocado, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds, Carrots, Soybeans, Dark chocolate, Green tea.

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